JF Insurance Agency Group Inc. (JF) is a licensed brokerage firm incorporated in 1992. JF specializes in providing Emergency Hospital and Medical coverage for International Visitors to Canada, International Students and Canadian travelers. JF strives to be the leading firm in providing comprehensive medical coverage at unbeatable prices to travelers to Canada. JF has over 3000 active partnerships with insurance agents, financial advisors, travel agencies and insurance agencies selling our policies. JF is also a leading provider for International Student insurance for many private and public schools, language schools and colleges in Canada.
Contact a local insurance agent to inquire about our travel products!

Our founder, Mr. Johnson Fu, has more than 35 years of experience in the Insurance and Financial Industry. Mr. Fu is an active member of the Chinese Business Community and is a vocal supporter of local and international charities. In 2020, JF, Ontime Care Worldwide Inc (OTC) and our insurance partners have donated over $200,000 to supported SickKids Foundation, Carefirst Senior & Community Services Association, Yee Hong for Geriatric Care in Toronto, and hospitals in Montreal that were severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.